It's A Blue World...The Story of Prince Justice
Welcome to my web site, Prince It is indeed all your pleasure to be visiting the single greatest wrestler of all time, of course that is me, Prince Justice. This page is dedicated to my biography as I am excited to share with you all the story of my life prior to and including my wrestling career to date. I welcome any and all feedback and additional questions that you may have by clicking on my contact icon and emailing me directly. All emails will be answered. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story of Prince Justice (a.k.a. Blueberry)
I began an athletic background at a very early age playing football and wrestling in gradeschool and highschool. I always excelled in these sports because of my size and strength and because I was dedicated to winning. My senior year in highschool for Cleveland Saint Joseph was indeed a successful year as I was elected first team all-Ohio for the entire state of Ohio at offensive tackle. The honors continued to follow in the off season as I was selected as one of the top players in the country at my position. The recognition and successful season the team and I had was followed by several college scouts knocking on my door. Playing on a highschool team with the likes of Desmond Howard (Michigan, Raiders, Redskins) and Elvis Grbac (Michigan, 49er's, Chiefs, Ravens) the scouts still were interested highly in the "Hogs" up front who provided the way for Desmond and Elvis. All five starting offensive lineman on this team received full ride scholarships to division I schools. My choices included Louisville, Michigan State, Bowling Green, Kent State, and Ohio University. After some long though and a tough decision marred with pressure from these scouts, I made my decision to attend Ohio University beginning in 1988.
I was a three year starter at Ohio University playing mostly offensive guard with a sprinkle of time at offensive tackle. I was named All-Mid American Conference twice during my tenure there and enjoyed a successful career. My senior season I was even a runner-up for an award given out by Playboy Magazine for the top lineman in the country....unfortunately no Playboy Mansion visit was in the cards for me at this time. Upon graduation from Ohio University, which included a Bachelors degree and a Master's Degree in Sports Administration from the top ranked school in the country, I had a brief stint with the Pittsburgh Steelers of the NFL. My football career ended in March of 1993, when I officially retired from football. Sad as it was to retire, I knew it was time for me to move on and conquer other goals in my life.
My life changed forever in January of 1995 when I decided that professional wrestling was what I wanted to dedicate my life to. Since I was a small child I had grown up on wrestling. I can fondly remember the first time I was flipping through the channels on my television at a very young age and stopped on this wrestling show that was right in the middle of an interview by Rowdy Roddy Piper. I was captivated and enticed by not only the interview but the concept of professional wrestling.
It was a cold morning in January of 1995 when I responded to a radio advertisement for BONEKRUSHERS NATIONAL PRO WRESTLING TRAINING CENTER, which at the time was located in Price Hill, Ohio. I can fondly remember walking into the training center that first time and seeing the owner of the NWF and head trainer of Bonekrushers Roger Ruffen. A man I immediately recognized as a well respected referee from the World Wrestling Federation. I recalled seeing him as the referee at the WWF shows I attended growing up in Cleveland, Ohio at Richfield Coliseum. I began training and received the best training possible from Roger Ruffen and the NWF staff. Not only was it made fun (which can not be said for other schools in wrestling) but it was difficult, challenging, rewarding, and extremely educational. The training included an intense education in all aspects of Pro Wrestling including interviews, wrestling holds, ring psychology, professionalism and attitude, cardiovascular training, match preparation, and respect for the greatest business on earth...Professional Wrestling!
My first match in professional wrestling was in January 1995 against The Tower of Doom in Price Hill, Ohio at the Salvation Army. The Original Terminator was what I was billed at for this match. I was victorious by a disqualification. I was not ready for the match and had very little training behind me at the time. In hindsight, I should have been in training for much longer prior to being in this or any match. It was evident in the match that evening. However, I was excited and my pro wrestling career had started.
The Original Terminator was probably the shortest lived gimmick in the history of pro wrestling (and deservedly so!) as Roger Ruffen approached me about "The All American" Chris Justice just weeks after starting in the NWF. With my football background and upbringing it seemed like the way to go. My experience as The All American was a good one, as a fan favorite at all NWF shows. My alliances in the NWF were with several other wrestlers but most namely Wildcat Chris Harris. Chris Harris and I had become close friends in and out of the ring. We had spent some time together on the road by now and he had even had me over to his parents house and to other family gatherings. We we as close as two people could be. Which makes that unseasonably cold night in October of 1995 even more of a shock to wrestling historians. For it was that night that the "All American" Chris Justice died and the "new" Chris Justice was born. I had been approached earlier in the evening by The New Wizard and his man the legendary Beautiful Bobby Harmon. They both offered me a substantial pay raise and life long security to join the forces of "The Family" as the New Wizard explained it. I initially declined the offer, but upon further review and after pondering the "ego" driven problems that Wildcat and I were experiencing.....I made the single greatest and smartest decision of my wrestling career. I turned my back on Wildcat Chris Harris. After hitting the ring for what all thought was to help Chris Harris out against Beautiful Bobby, I stood in the middle of the ring with Chris' back to me, made one final request to my conscience that was not answered, and hit him in his back as hard as I could before suplexing him down to the mat and rolling Beautiful Bobby onto him for the win. A win that cost Wildcat Chris Harris the NWF title and made me a key member of the strongest "team" in NWF history....."The Family".
My experience as a key member of The Family, which included other wrestling stars such as Beautiful Bobby, my dear friend Angel, my tag team partner at the time King Kahuna, and the leader of The Family, the New Wizard was incredible. The Family dominated much of the NWF scene for the latter part of the 90's and early in 2000 before showing signs of slowing down. King Kahuna and I held the coveted NWF tag team titles for over a year and The Family reeked havoc over the entire NWF making our presence known wherever and whenever we wanted to.
A very historic night occurred in early 1996 at Peel's Palace as King Kahuna informed me prior to the show that he had a huge surprise for me that night. Being the lover of surprises like I am, I could barely wait to get my big surprise. I tried and tried to find out what it was, but King Kahuna had hidden his secret well. It was not until the famed edition of Justice's Court that evening that I would find out. King Kahuna had brought a present wrapped up for me. I will never forget opening it and discovering its contents that evening as it was a beautiful Royal Blue crown. King Kahuna went on to inform me that I would from here on be referred to as PRINCE JUSTICE. The royal prince of the NWF. I was extremely excited and pleased but the best however, was yet to come!!!
The New Wizard next secured for me my own talk segment on all NWF shows. The talk segment was assigned to me and allowed The Family to propagandize and make our points known in the NWF. The talk segment was entitled JUSTICE'S COURT and debuted in mid-1996 before a sold out crowd at Peel's Palace to rave reviews. The talk segment would reign on for an unprecedented 4 years breaking talk show records and drawing interest from all corners of life. Guests gracing Justice's Court during this time included Cincinnati Reds star Dmitri Young, Peel's Palace owner Guy McFadden, NWF owner Roger Ruffen, the classic comfronatation between Cyberius and Wildcat Chris Harris, Kentucky Athletic Commissioner Jack Kerns, countless radio and television personalities, and of course just about every NWF superstar past, present, and future!!!
In June of 1999, The Family underwent some changes and the "new" Royal Family was born. THe firing of Beautiful Bobby Harmon came first when let The Family down on several occasions by not winning key and important matches. King Kahuna had retired from the squared circle leaving a rather large void in The Family and then the unspeakable happened. Angel decided that he was no longer going to take orders from The New Wizard or Prince Justice, thus Angel was fired from The Family and one of the greatest feuds in NWF history was born....Angel vs. Prince Justice. The New Royal Family came about when The New Wizard was replaced with The Informer and included Honest Brett Michaels and myself, Prince Justice.
My quest for my first NWF Heavyweight title came to pass at Wrestleblast 2000 in January of 2000 at Peel's Palace. I defeated Stamp Lickage in a highly contested match to gain the gold. What better way to ring in the millenium than by having Prince Justice be crowned the NWF Heavyweight Champion. The LOYALTY TO ROYALTY TOUR had arrived!
The Loyalty to Royalty tour continued throughout most of 2000 and included some memorable feuds for the title between Prince Justice and foes such as Jason Cross, Stamp Lickage, and most memorably Nick River. The title reign of the greatest champion in NWF history was ended in January of 2001 at Wrestleblast when Nick Rivers pulled the greatest upset in NWF history by beating Prince Justice in one of the most memorable matches in NWF history. Prince Justice was fired a week later by the then NWF CEO Mr. Hayes for losing the title to an upstart kid who had just begun his career. The firing was public and occurred at Peel's Palace, a place Prince Justice ruled for years as a key part of the NWF.
Upon his firing however, Prince Justice was immediately picked up and offered a deal from several professional wrestling organizations throughout the country. Eventually settling upon the NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) Prince Justice began to forge his career in a different federation. It would be the first time the Prince would wrestle outside of the NWF on a full time basis and it proved successful in many ways. Prince Justice won the coveted NWA Georgia WIldside Heavyweight Title in April 2001 in Atlanta, GA catapulting his popularity and recognition in the wrestling world. In addition to this great accomplishment, Prince Justice also became a permanent ficture in NWA wrestling throughout Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi. Prince Justice also became a full time wrestler for Jerry "The King" Lawler and the Memphis Power Pro Championship wrestling company that had live TV every Saturday morning on NBC in Memphis. Prince Justice and Jerry "The King" Lawler had some very memorable matches throughout the territory during 2001.
Prince Justice returned home to the NWF in September 2001 making his return to Peel's Palace to fight the man who fired him almost a year earlier...Mr. Hayes. His full time return to the NWF, which was finalized at the same time as the writing of this bio, was slated for October 1, 2001. The Prince is thrilled to be back home. "This is my home, it is where I began my journey as a professional wrestler. This is where I belong. I have missed the NWF very much. I have made some life long friendships and contacts in and out of pro wrestling. I have had some great experiences in wrestling since my leaving the NWF. But, its time to come home.....home to the NWF, its fans, its wrestlers, and my friends. Friends like Roger Ruffen (NWF Owner). Its great to be back and oh, by the way, get ready because the Prince is back and you know what that never know what I might do next!!!!!!!!!"
Check back now and then as the biography of Prince Justice will be update to include his newest and most recent memories and success stories.
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